Now that the Teacher’s Guide to Tech has moved online, we will be updating it on a regular basis. Check out January’s post for last month’s updates, and read on to see what has changed since then!

New Tools

These tools were all added to the guide since the online release in January 2025.

Removed Tools

No tools were removed in January 2025.

Name Changes

To our knowledge, no tools shifted names in January 2025.

Other Updates

  • Considering the current chaos surrounding TikTok, we are keeping a close eye on the status of its availability in the US. RedNote was added as something to keep an eye-on, not something we necessarily recommend as a classroom tool.
  • We are giving WeVu, in Feedback, one more month to see if they’re back up and running. They seem to be having a DNS error at at the moment. The tool remains in draft, and will either return to live access in March, or be removed all together.

We will continue to monitor and add more tools every month, so check back here for more updates!

Updated February 2, 2025 at 10:15pm EST