How is the online version of the guide different from the PDF version of the past?
Prior to 2025, we used to only update the guide once a year, because it would be distributed as a PDF. With the web-based version, we will be updating it all year round, which means you can rely on it to have the most current information on the tools that can help you teach your best.
The web-based guide is also more portable than the PDF — you can access it anywhere you have an internet connection, and you’ll no longer need storage space for a big PDF file!
Finally, while we always had trouble building accessibility features into the PDF version, the web-based guide will be more accessible to users with disabilities.
How do group subscriptions work?
Visit this page for details on how to create and manage group subscriptions.
I currently have an individual subscription. Can I change it to a group subscription?
Yes! Log in to your account, select My Account > Account Info. Under Subscription Details, click on “Upgrade or change your membership.” This will take you to the Individual Subscription page. At the top of that page, is a link for group subscriptions. Once you register, your Account Info will change to a group subscription. As the group owner, you will count as one of the seats and be able to start adding members to your group (up to the number of seats purchased). If you have any questions, please contact us at support@cultofpedagogy.com.
I teach at a university and would like to use the guide as part of my course. Do you offer student rates?
Yes, a student rate can be arranged for your course. Please use the contact form to get in touch with us. When you write, give us your name, the name of your institution, your course code, and the approximate number of students you expect to have for the course. We will set up a unique coupon code that your students can use to purchase their own subscription at a discounted rate.
Can I pay with a purchase order?
Yes! We accept purchase orders from U.S. customers for any order of $25 and over; for international customers, the minimum amount for a purchase order is $99. To do this, start by choosing how many subscriptions you want, then choose “manual payment” for the payment option. This will set up an account for you that will not be activated until we receive your purchase order. After you click “purchase,” you will be taken to a page with further instructions on what to do next.
How do I suggest a tool for inclusion in this guide?
This is a constantly evolving guide and we’re excited to learn about new tools to include. To suggest a tool for possible inclusion in the tech guide please fill out this form.
What if I have another question?
We are building our FAQs!! If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please click the button below to contact us!
Still have questions?
Click the button below to go to our contact form.