
Something not working quite right? The links below will take you to the information you need. If your question is not answered here, please contact us.

Where did the top navigation go?

I just got to a page that is missing the Tips/Tools/Terms options along the top menu. Where did they go?

Sorry about that! Most pages are set to “logged in” view for subscribers, but while we were building the site, there are a few pages that have the “logged-out” navigation. Just click the back button and that should bring back the logged-in navigation.

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Some of the videos aren’t playing for me.

Problem: I’m on a Mac, in Safari, trying to play videos in the tech guide, but get the message, “Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot. This helps our community. Learn more.” When I click on “Learn more,” the video disappears for a bit, then comes back still unable to play.

Solution: This issue is likely due to Safari’s very strict privacy settings. To check your settings, click on Safari located in the top menu. Select the Privacy tab; if the box next to “Website Tracking: Prevent cross-site tracking” is selected, click on the box to unselect it. This privacy setting, when on, can block cookies that are needed for YouTube’s embedded player to function properly on other websites.

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My group member didn’t receive their email invitation.

If you have sent an email invitation to add someone to a group, but they didn’t receive it, two things may have happened: (1) Their email address was entered incorrectly. Double-check the spelling on your My Account page. (2) The email went to their spam or junk folder. Check both of these things, and if neither one solves your problem, contact us and we’ll look into it!

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I found an error in the guide.

If you notice a video that is suddenly unavailable, a link that is broken, a typo, or just some other information that needs to be corrected, please click “Report an Error” at the bottom of this site and let us know!

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